Tax Centers of America
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I'ts time to let someone else take on the tasks of preparing your taxes! Get your taxes done right!


Click here to see and hear more about a great business opportunity.


""We incorporated TCOA into our insurance business and have had great results. We were able to take many of our present clients and file their taxes for them...... More

- Rhonda Gorman,
Warren, AR

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Tax Franchise Business

Why Work for Someone Else? Own a Tax Centers of America Franchise

The decision to start your own business often leads to more questions rather than answers, especially for those completely new to entrepreneurship. What will the business plan be? How will I get start-up capital? Who will I need to hire? What should I pay them? How do I get people to buy my products or services? It may seem overwhelming to figure out on your own. That's why millions of people choose a franchise when starting their own business.

As a Tax Centers of America franchisee, you automatically inherit the knowledge we've learned over our years in the tax preparation business. What's more, you'll be trained in how to use this knowledge to make your own decisions. It's this blend of independence and support that makes buying Tax Centers of America franchise such a desirable business opportunity. Franchisees get to set their hours and run the day-to-day operations just like any other small business owner. The key difference is that franchisees enjoy the benefits of an established brand name, which assists you in building your customer base.

The leverage of our brand name will increase your opportunity of success. In general, franchise businesses still operating after 1 year as compared to an independent business is 97% to 62%. After five years, the comparison is even more significant as 92% of franchised businesses are still operating, compared to 23% of independent businesses. After ten years. 90% of franchised businesses are still operating compared to 18% of independent businesses.

Obviously, your effort will determine your success; however, the statistics tell the story. Your chance to reach your dreams and goals are dramatically increased through franchising, and we believe a Tax Centers of America franchise is the opportunity to achieve your independence. Consider this: How many business customers are required to?

  • File a report on an annual basis
  • Pay a penalty if this report isn't filed
  • Receive cash back from filing this report

As you know the April 15th deadline is real and most Americans receive a portion of the taxes paid during the year back in the form of a refund. Do you want to own a business that provides a service that returns CASH to your customers, is paid well for providing this service and has a full-time income for part-time work? If so, discuss the Tax Centers of America franchise opportunity with us and let's get started!

All new offices receive the technology needed and the software required for tax season. Additionally, each new franchise will receive Accounting software and training to begin a bookkeeping business.

Advertisement templates such as flyers, business cards, and coupons with your office location on them so everyone will know who and where you are.

The support of experienced tax professionals and support staff and

Extensive annual training to keep you up to date with current laws and software.


If you're ready to succeed in the growing tax industry contact us today by filling out our online
Franchise Inquiry Form
or call:

(479) 549-7346 or (479) 751-8480.