Tax Centers of America
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I'ts time to let someone else take on the tasks of preparing your taxes! Get your taxes done right!


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""I worked for other companies, including H&R Block, before I joined TCOA. I made more money this year working for myself in 3 months as a TCOA franchisee than I did working all year for other companies...... More

- Lisa Ross,
Star City, AR

Franchise | E File Info | Software | Training | Join Us

While previous tax preparation experience is helpful, the background is not necessary for you to join our team. So, for you, first-timers, we will train you on the basics and work you to a competent level.


  During the four days of intensive training, you will learn the skills you need to manage and operate your own office. We ask that you bring with you basic computer skills and a willing mind! You will learn the shortcut to preparing taxes, the basic rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, the fundamentals of electronic filing, and the tax software program. During the training, we will go over and provide you with a comprehensive operating manual. This operating manual will walk you through the steps of the electronic filing process.

  At Tax Centers of America, Inc., we know the value of communication. It can make the difference between a good relationship and a bad relationship. For this reason, we are dedicated to helping you anytime of the year. Answers to your questions are just a phone call away.

  Our program is designed for you! You are what will make your company a success. You will gain valuable skills to assist you in running your business efficiently and effectively. Our training and support will continue throughout the ownership of your business.

"I believe that if you think small, you'll stay small."
Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's